emamajek on 22-Jan-2025 07:35:54 GMT about Gaia DR3 4286583352335074816
Although surprisingly not listed as a WDS companion yet to WDS J18367+0640 (HIP 91237), the Gmag=14.73 star Gaia EDR3 4286583352335074816 was tagged as a candidate companion to HIP 91237 by
, and 2022A&A...657A...7K. The companion is at separation 7.17", PA=274.76deg, and has estimated mass 0.54Msun and difference in tangential motion (w/r to "A") of 2.13+-0.03kms, compared to estimated escape velocity Vesc=3.37km/s (hence it is flagged as likely bound). The separation and brightness do not match any of the previously listed WDS components (Aa, Ab, B, C, D, E). Tokovinin18 (2018ApJS..235....6T) lists it as WDS J18367+0640B, however their "B" clearly does not match the WDS catalog "B" (which is at separation 35.9"). It appears to be a completely new companion that might be worth assigning "F".
Additional cross-ID:
Gaia DR3 4286583352335074816 =
Gaia DR2 4286583352335074816
2MASS J18363865+0640188 (w/ Ksmag=8.159+-0.065)
TIC 1674028864
TIC 371127109
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