emamajek on 15-Dec-2024 08:12:14 GMT about * tau Aql
tau Aql (Gaia DR3 4298688082015247744) does not yet have a Washington Double Star catalog, but El-Badry+2018(2018MNRAS.480.4884E), Tian+2020(2020ApJS..246....4T) and Kervella+2022(2022A&A...657A...7K) all report that it has a neighboring star that common proper motion and parallax -- the G=15.49mag star Gaia DR3 4298688150722788992 at sep=18.91", PA=300.05deg. The difference between the tangentially velocities of tau Aql and Gaia DR3 4298688150722788992 are only 0.59+-0.05km/s (c.f. predicted Vescape=1.27 km/s). The companion Gaia DR3 4298688150722788992 (TIC 1986824870) is missing in other catalogs like 2MASS, WISE, etc.
The companion's estimated absolute magnitude (M_G=9.41) and color (Bp-Rp)=2.44 are both consistent with it being likely an early M dwarf.
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