MichelangeloPantaleoni on 10-Sep-2023 18:01:21 GMT about * kap01 CrA
There are swapped identifications between "* kap01 CrA" and "* kap02 CrA" that need to be fixed in both of Simbad pages.
This visual binary was discovered by John Herschel in 1836. He established the names "kap01 CrA" for the northern dim component, and "kap02 CrA" for the southern brighter one.
According to John Herschel [1836]:
kap01 CrA | Northern component
kap02 CrA | Southern component
According to the Cordoba Durchmusterung (CD) [1892-1932]:
CD-38 12896 | With coordinates of the northern component | V ~ 7.7 mag
CD-38 12895 | With coordinates of the southern component | V ~ 7.7 mag
According to the Henry Draper Catalogue (HD) [1918-1924]:
HD 170867 = CD-38 12896 | With coordinates of the northern component | P = 6.55 mag
HD 170868 = CD-38 12895 | With coordinates of the southern component | P = 5.95 mag
According to the Bright Star Catalogue (HR) [1991]:
HR 6952 = kap01 CrA = HD 170868 | With coordinates of the northern component | V = 6.32 mag
HR 6953 = kap02 CrA = HD 170867 | With coordinates of the southern component | V = 5.65 mag
According to the CDS (Simbad) [2023]:
kap01 CrA = HD 170868 = CD-38 12896 = HR 6952 | With coordinates of the northern component | V = 6.17 mag
kap02 CrA = HD 170867 = CD-38 12895 = HR 6953 | With coordinates of the southern component | V = 5.59 mag
From this we can conclude that a mistake was made in the Bright Star Catalogue, where HD numbers were swapped. The error was probably inherited by the CDS in 1980 when this publication (https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1980BICDS..19...41H/abstract) came out.
Therefore, the solution is to use HD 170867 for
kap01 CrA (http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=*+kap01+CrA&submit=submit+id)
and HD 170868 for
kap02 CrA (http://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/sim-id?Ident=*+kap02+CrA&submit=submit+id).
- Michelangelo Pantaleoni | Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)
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