emamajek on 25-Nov-2015 05:23:23 GMT about * bet Cet
HR 188 (Beta Cet) is known by the name "Diphda" (or variants) or "Deneb Kaitos" (or variants) in numerous historical and modern astronomical references.
(1) Ulugh Beg (1437) (in "Ulugh Beigh's Catalogue of Stars. Reprinted from Dr. T. Hyde's 1665 translation, as edited by Dr. G. Sharpe in 1767" on page 79 of Francis Baily (1843, Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 13) ["Al Diphda Al Thani" & "Danab Al Gjenubi"].
(2) Gerard Mercator (1551) celestial globe http://hcl.harvard.edu/libraries/maps/exhibits/mercator/main.html ["Deneb Kaitos"].
(3) Jacob Bartsch (1624) "Usus astronomicus planisphaerii stellati" ["Denebketos"].
(4) William Leybourn & Robert Morden (1702) "An Introduction to Astronomy, Geography, Navigation, and Other Mathematical Sciences Made Easie by the Description and Uses of the Coelstial and Terrestrial Globes" ["Deneb Elkaitos"].
(5) Philippe de La Hire (1727) "Tabulae astronomicae Ludovici Magni iussu et munificentia exaratae et in lucem editae", Paris, Tabula IX ["Ceti Cauda"].
(6) Ephraim Chambers (1728) "Cyclopaedia" https://artfl-project.uchicago.edu/node/88 ["Dineb Kaetos" and "Cauda Ceti"].
(7) Ludewig Ideler (1809) "Untersuchungen über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung der Sternnamen" (Berlin) ["Dseneb el-dschenubi", "Deneb Kaitos", "El-difda el-thani"].
(8) Joseph Piazzi (1814) "Praecipuarum Stellarum Inerrantium Positiones Mediae Ineunte Saeculo XIX. Ex Observationibus Habitis In Specula Panormitana Ab anno 1792 ad annum 1813" ["Diphda"].
(9) Elijah Hinsdale Burritt (1840) "The Geography of the Heavens, and Class Book of Astronomy; Accompanied by a Celestial Atlas" (5th Edition, with an introduction by Thomas Dick. New York, F.J. Huntington and Co.) ["Diphda"].
(10) Richard Hinckley Allen (1899) "Star-names and their meanings" (G.E. Stechert, New York) ["Deneb Kaitos" from "Al Dhanab al Kaitos al Janubiyy", or
"Difda" from "AL Difdi' al Thani"].
(11) Arthur P. Norton (1910) "A Star Atlas and Telescopic Handbook (Epoch 1920) for Students and Amateurs" (Gall and Inglis; London & Edinburgh) ["Diphda"].
(12) William Tyler Olcott (1911) "Star Lore of All Ages" (G.P. Putnum's Sons, NY and London; republished as "Star Lore: Myths, Legends, and Facts", Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, USA 2004) ["Deneb Kaitos"].
(13) C. W. Allen (1963) "Astrophysical Quantities" 2nd edition, University of London, The Athlone Press (Chapter 12, Section 114) ["Diphda"].
(14) Antonin Becvar (1964) "Atlas of the Heavens - II: Catalogue 1950.0", Praha: Publication House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Cambridge, Mass.: Sky Publishing Corporation, 1964, 4th enl. edition, edited by Mohr, Josef M. (scient. ed.) ["Diphda" or "Deneb Kaitos"].
(15) Arthur P. Norton, B.A., and J. Gall Inglis, F.R.A.S. (1964) Norton's Star Atlas and Telescopic Handbook, 15th Edition, Sky Publishing Corporation, Cambridge MA, USA ["Diphda"].
(16) Jack W. Rhoads (1971) "Technical Memorandum 33-507: A Reduced Star Catalog Containing 537 Named Stars", Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA ["Deneb Kaitos"].
(17) Robert Burnham, Jr. (1978) "Burnham's Celestial Handbook: An Observer's Guide to the Universe Beyond the Solar System" (Dover Publications) ["Deneb Kaitos" or "Diphda"].
(18) Helmet Werner & Felix Schmeidler (1986) "Synopsis der Nomenklatur der Fixsterne = Synopsis of the Nomenclature of the Fixed Stars" Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuffgart ["Diphda" & "Deneb Kaitos"].
(19) Dorris Hoffleit & Carlos Jaschek (1991) "The Bright Star Catalogue" (5th edition; Yale University Observatory, New Haven, CT, USA) ["DIPHDA; Deneb Kaitos; Difda; Difda al Thani; Rana Secunda"].
(20) Ian Ridpath (2003) "Norton's Star Atlas and Reference Handbook" (20th edition; Dutton) ["Diphda" or "Deneb Kaitos"].
(21) Paul Kunitzsch & Tim Smart (2006) "A Short Guide to 254 Star Names and Their Derivations" (2nd Revised Edition, Sky Publishing, Cambridge MA, USA) ["Diphda" or "Deneb Kaitos"].
(22) Ian Ridpath & Wil Tirion (2008) "Stars and Planets: The Most Complete Guide to the Stars, Planets, Galaxies, and the Solar System Fully Revised and Expanded edition" (Princeton University Press, Princeton) ["Deneb Kaitos"].
Brief discussions of the name's etymology appear in Kunitzsch & Smart (2006) and Allen (1899) in English, and in Ideler (1809) in German. "Diphda" appears to be an abbreviation of the Arabic name "Al Diphda Al Thani" first adopted by Piazzi (1814) in the Palermo catalog, and popularized over the past two centuries. The star was more commonly known by the medieval Arabic name "Deneb Kaitos" (or variants) before the 19th century.
If one proper name is to be adopted, "Diphda" may be considered the most commonly used name used for Beta Ceti used over the past two centuries (following e.g. Bright Star Catalog, Allen's Astrophysical Quantities, Kunitzsch & Smart, Piazzi's Palermo Catalog, etc.), with "Deneb Kaitos" being a common alias.
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