emamajek on 03-May-2015 02:33:37 GMT about
Omicron Per (HR 1131) is commonly known by the proper name "Atik" (or close variant) in astronomy literature:
(1) Ulugh Beg (1437) (in "Ulugh Beigh's Catalogue of Stars. Reprinted from Dr. T. Hyde's 1665 translation, as edited by Dr. G. Sharpe in 1767" on page 79 of Francis Baily (1843, Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 13) ["Atik Al Thuraja"].
(2) J. E. Bode (1801) "Uranographia" ["Atik"].
(3) Richard Hinckley Allen (1899) "Star-names and their meanings" (G.E. Stechert, New York) [as "Atik", "Ati", or "Al Atik", ultimately attributed to Ulug Beg].
(4) William Tyler Olcott (1911) "Star Lore of All Ages" (G.P. Putnum's Sons, NY and London; republished as "Star Lore: Myths, Legends, and Facts", Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, USA 2004) ["Atik"].
(5) Antonin Becvar (1964) "Atlas of the Heavens - II: Catalogue 1950.0", Praha: Publication House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Cambridge, Mass.: Sky Publishing Corporation, 1964, 4th enl. edition, edited by Mohr, Josef M. (scient. ed.) ["Atiks"].
(6) Dorris Hoffleit & Carlos Jaschek (1991) "The Bright Star Catalogue" (5th edition; Yale University Observatory, New Haven, CT, USA). ["Atik", "Al Atik", "Ati"].
(7) Paul Kunitzsch & Tim Smart (2006) "A Short Guide to 254 Star Names and Their Derivations" (2nd Revised Edition, Sky Publishing, Cambridge MA, USA) ["Atik"].
The history of the name is discussed in Allen (1899) and Kunitzsch & Smart (2006).
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