jgreen9802 on 04-Sep-2014 02:59:55 GMT about V* TW PsA
Stars: many
I have been using SIMBAD information for several years while checking old parallax articles. SIMBAD has usually listed the 2007 (revised Hipparcos) parallax result for each star, with older measures available in a list by clicking on a PLX box.
Now, I find many stars for which there is no PLX box to click on, and sometimes not even a 2007 value of the parallax listed. Is this a change in SIMBAD policy?
There is no change in Simbad policy to enter data on parallaxes. For LP 985-130, the fundamental data lists the Hipparcos measurement. It has also a PLX "box" in the measurements section which contains two observations. Could it be that you were on an mirror site ? If yes, could you please tell us which one because it could need to be urgently updated. Thanks.
My apologies. The file for Star LP 985-130 is OK.
I use the SIMBAD mirror site at cfa.harvard in the USA.
I should have provided examples. Here are several that have no PLX box. All of them seem to have many references, including many measures of parallax. The problem seems to occur when a new reference is added to the file.
Look at these:
* gam Pav
HD 32450
HD 85512
HD 102780
HD 204961
HD 217987
HD 221503
Thank you.
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