keflavich on 15-Aug-2011 00:20:17 GMT about W 31c
Distance is contentious because there are likely multiple clouds at the same velocity but different distances.
G10.6 is a more common name for W31C, and while it appears associated with the W31 complex, many authors (Salomon 1987, Keto 2008) have put it at a distance of 6 kpc, which is inconsistent with any of the distances to any components of W31 (below). Pandian 2008 claims a distance of 3.4 kpc. Quireza 2006 claimed a distance of 17.1 kpc, though this measurement is perhaps questionable as it used an unpublished distance determination method based on the same data as Pandian 2008.
Blum 2001 give a spectrophotometric distance to the W31 complex as 3.4 kpc.
Corbel 1997 estimate a distance to the associated SGR 1806-20 to be 14.5 kpc based on kinematics.
Corbel 2004 claim 15.1 kpc distance to the LBV 1806-20, SGR 1806-20, and the G10.3-0.1 cloud, but 4.5 kpc for G10.2-0.3 and G10.6-0.4.
Svirski 2011 confirms the distance to SGR 1806-20 to be > 9 kpc, putting it at the far kinematic distance.
Moises 2011 measures spectrophotometric distances to the 10.3-0.1 and 10.1-0.3 regions to be 2.4 and 3.6 kpc respectively.
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